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Selected Articles

“Serie de Televisión Yuruparí: de la Tradición Oral a la Producción Audiovisual a la Recuperación de Memoria Popular.” With Gloria Triana. Cuadernos de la Cinemateca. Bogotá: Cinemateca Distrital. (Forthcoming 2016)


“The Reinvention of Colombian Cinema.” A Companion to Latin American Cinema. Ed. Stephen Hart, Randal Johnson and María Delgado. London: Wiley. (Forthcoming June 2016).


“De casas y haciendas azucareras en el gótico tropical: Carne de tu carne y La mansión de Araucaima.” [“On Houses and Sugar Plantations in Tropical Gothic.”] Cuadernos de la Cinemateca. Bogotá (2015) 51-73.


“Tropical Gothic: Cinematic Dislocations of the Caribbean Imaginary in South West Colombia.” Studies in Gothic Fiction. Special Issue on Gothic in Latin America. Ed. Enrique Ajuria. 3.2 (2014): 24-37.


“The Fall of Melodrama: Contemporary Latin American Women Film- makers and the Reshaping of the Genre.” Cinémas de Amérique Latine. Toulouse, Francia. 22 (2014): 115-127.


"Transitioning towards the New Museum: Mise-en-Scène of the Bicentennial Celebration in Colombia.” Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 20.4 (December 2011): 419-442.


"At the Transnational Crossroads: Colombian Cinema and Its Search for a Film Industry.” (Trans. Laura Chesak) Latin American Cinemas: Local Views and Transnational Connections.  Ed. Nayibe Bermúdez.Calgary: Calgary UP, 2011. 279-311.











“Adicciones y adaptaciones: cine, literatura y violencia en Colombia.” [“Addictions and Adaptations: Film, Literature and Violence in Colombia. Romance Quarterly. 57.4 (2010): 300-12.


“Garras de oro (The Dawn of Justice): e Intriguing Orphan of Colom- bian Silent Films.” With Ramiro Arbeláez. (Trans. Laura Chesak).  Moving Image 9.1 (Spring 2009): 66-94.


"El género del género: una mirada al legado de Cine Mujer, Gabriela Samper y Marta Rodríguez.” [“Gendered Genre: The Legacy of Cine Mujer, Gabriela Samper and Marta Rodríguez.”] Miradas al margen y subalternidad en el cine latinoamericano y del caribe. Ed. Luis Duno Gottberg. Caracas: Cineteca Nacional de Venezuela, 2008. 3-35.


“Decentering the ‘Centro’: Noir Representations and the Metamor- phosis of Bogotá.” (Trans. Laura Chesak) Hispanic Issues on Line. 3.3 (Fall 2008): 49-70.


“‘En átomos volando’: Transformaciones de la iconografía patriótica en producción cultural contemporánea en Colombia.” [“Transforming Patriotic Iconography in Recent Colombian Cultural Production.”] Violentamente Colombia. Special Issue of Revista Iberoamericana. 74.23 (April-June 2008): 405-22.
















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